Daysheets makes it quick and painless to setup your tour. Follow the guide below and you’ll be a Daysheets pro in no time.

Setting up the tour

To get started, download the latest version of Daysheets for MacOS by clicking here.

To add an artist to your roster, use the Spotify search bar.

Once added, you’ll move to the first step of the tour builder.

Then, enter the name of the run, start date, end date, and your travel method.


Daysheets will automatically calculate your drive times in between cities based on your method of travel. You can either use the dropdown, or enter methods of travel like T and then TAB to choose tour bus, or V for van. If drive times aren’t relevant, you can disable drive times. As we proceed through this tutorial, we will dive into drive times again later.

Once you’ve set the basics, you’re ready to enter the routing.

Daysheets is designed for a quick data entry experience, our shortcuts help you fly through building your tour. The first entry field on each row is the day type. You can use the following shortcuts to add different day types:

T and TAB = Travel Day

S and TAB = Show Day

D and TAB = Day Off

R and TAB = Rehearsals

After you enter the first day type, the next field is used to search for that day’s location. This entry field is powered by Google, you can search for venues, cities, and hotels. We suggest finding venues by searching for the name of the venue, followed by the city and state:

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