Exclusively on Daysheets, we’ve re-imagined how you manage your personnel’s travel profiles. Now your team members can create travel profiles right on Daysheets for mobile, and share their profiles when they join new tours.
Admins can request travel profiles from individuals or groups that are a part of tour. To get started, simply click on Personnel from the tour menu, and select the Travel Profiles Tab.
Daysheets currently supports requesting travel profiles for the following information:
To request a profile, select an individual or group by using the search or filter. If you’ve manually entered information, Daysheets will show the last time that section of the travel profile was modified. If a team member has a passport entered into Daysheets and it’s expiring soon, Daysheets will flag that.
If we look at Naomi above, we see that there is a travel profile entered, along with a passport that is expiring on May 7th 2024.
If you want to request the dietary restrictions, emergency contacts and a revised passport, simply select Naomi.
Next, toggle on the request, and select the information you’re seeking. Let’s request an updated passport, dietary restrictions, and an emergency contact.
Your grid will update to reflect the pending information, and the request will be sent to the user.
Daysheets will instruct the team member on how to enter the desired information. Once they share, your grid will update to green, and the travel profile information will be stored in that user’s profile.