Daysheets allows you to send push notifications right from the Mac or iOS apps, to specific team members, groups, or everyone all at once. To send push notifications, follow the guide below.

Sending Push Notifications from the Mac:

In the top right corner of the mac app, click the bell icon in the main navigation bar:

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 11.08.52 AM.png

Next, press the “Send Notification” button in the bottom right hand corner of the Notifications window that appears.

The message window will appear. Write the message you want to send, and use the search field below to add whoever needs to receive this notification from your personnel.

Once you are ready, press the send button. It may take up to 60 seconds for your push notification to send. In the event you receive any warnings that the Push Notification failed to send, wait an additional 15-20 seconds to see if the message goes away on it’s own.

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 11.10.38 AM.png


The selected team members will receive a push notification with the message.

In the event any of your team members suggest they did not receive the push notification, you can reference this guide on how to ensure their Mobile app is allowing Daysheets to send push notifications.

Sending Push Notifications from the iOS App:

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