To view your personnel, click “Personnel” in the top left corner in the tour menu. If you’ve already added team members to your tour, they will be displayed in the overview:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 10.43.00 AM.png

Let’s look at Emily Taylor in the overview. We can see Emily’s position, group, email, phone number, invite status, and we see that there are passport, frequent flyer numbers, emergency contacts, and dietary restrictions stored for this person.

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 10.47.33 AM.png

If we need to adjust any of Emily’s information information, click on Emily’s name, and use the drawer on the right hand side to make any edits.

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 10.52.46 AM.png

We’ve introduced travel profile requests, which allows you to request travel profile information directly from your team members. You can learn more about travel profile requests by clicking here, or scrolling further down in this post.

<aside> 💡 Checkout some other helpful guides:

Personnel Overview

Adding Personnel

Adjusting Permissions & Visibility

Inviting personnel to Daysheets

Requesting Travel Profiles


<aside> 💡 Need help? Reach out to us by email at [email protected]
